Add Another for Jira Data Center

Add Another for Jira Data Center simplifies the process of creating issues and links in bulk.

A new type of custom field that allows you to effortlessly create and manage linked issues, and optimize project workflows for efficient project management.

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Stop Waisting Time and Clicks.

  • Breakdown your Theme / Initiative / Epic / User Story with zero effort
  • Create multiple issues in bulk
  • Stop chasing the right type of issue link
  • Manage linked issues from one screen

Create issue and its linked issues at once

Quickly create multiple Jira issues in one go, saving time and effort. Add Another simplifies the process for efficient project setup.

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See more data of the linked issues

View the data of the linked issues in a convenient grid format, allowing for easy tracking and management. Add Another provides a clear overview of the issue’s linked issues.

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Its time to work smarter.

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