Time management is a resource that helps us in managing our daily lives, managing our current tasks, executing the tasks that we need to complete directly or indirectly. The foundation of good time management is the decision making process and understanding the concept of time as a resource that we don’t have direct control over.
This workshop discusses principles and methods to manage and use time optimally, in various aspects of our day-to-day lives, and in the process of developing IT systems, depending on the lifecycle of the system, for example: dealing with “time thieves”, meeting management, delegation, task prioritization and urgency, planning and meeting objectives, crisis management, etc. The workshop introduces theoretical material regarding time management, and those theoretical principles are translated into practical processes and events in day-to-day life, by creating a dynamic atmosphere and activating participants with a number of hands-on activities throughout the workshop.
Workshop duration: half day
Target audience: managers in organizations (all management levels), project managers, team leaders
The workshop follows the following agenda:
Prerequisite knowledge: no prior knowledge required.
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