MethodAgile 2.0
MethodAgile Public Cloud
MethodAgile Website
MethodAgile Workshop
MethodAgile is a framework for overall IT management in organizations, spanning the project level to the organizational level.
At the project level (individual system), MethodAgile defines the management, development, maintainance, and operation of IT systems of any type and scope – systems under development, systems being maintained, IT systems and infrastructure systems, complete system or “lean” system, tailored turnkey systems or off-the-shelf software sold and installed with minor adjustments and customization.
At the organizational level, MethodAgile provides methods and tools for executive management, including annual work plans, project tracking (PMO), management of requirements and tasks, overall information management (OCIO), and overall strategic planning or oursourcing.
At both levels, the project and the organizational level, the MethodAgile approach represents both a framework and an open methodology. In other words, MethodAgile provides extensive and comprehensive knowledge and clear guidelines for project management, yet leaves a wide berth for adjustments and changes, enabling the organization to incorporate its policies with MethodAgile.
At the project/system level
MethodAgile defines how to manage, develop, and maintain IT systems of any type and scope:
MethodAgile outlines the steps and expected deliverables throughout the project lifecycle – from initiation and characterization of the system, to design and build (or procure and customize), to systems tests, to installation, operation, and maintenance.
In addition, MethodAgile provides crucial tools covering the entire application lifecycle (ALM), including:
These tools are incorporated in the MethodAgile framework in the form of advanced Excel tools and work templates. In addition, they are incorporated in modern development platforms, such as Atlassian tools (Jira) and others.
MethodAgile offers specialized kits devoted to infrastructure system management: characterization, need definition, financial-technological justification, specification writing, procurement management, support for implementation and realization, and support for ongoing management. Traditional infrastructure systems also supported by Method’s specialists include:
At the organizational level
MethodAgile provides an array of methods and tools designed for senior managers charged with understanding the entire organizational picture of both IT and the overall organization. This includes:
MethodAgile Cloud – This website is an open verson of MethodAgile and is designed to introduce users to the methodology and for trial use.
Some parts of the methodology are not fully activated.
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